VIP 1:1 coaching


A 3-month experience to reach your best body without sacrificing your best life.

Learn how to nourish & move for your unique body goals, fully trust yourself in your food & fitness choices, and create sustainable results that fit YOUR lifestyle. 

Ready for your life to change?

This is a VIP coaching experience focusing on personalized nutrition & exercise, deep mindset work, as well as time & energy management so that you can finally free from food thoughts, negative body image & this weight loss struggle you've been dealing with way too long.

Over 3 months of strategy + coaching sessions and unlimited Voxer voice note coaching, we co-create on-the-go to harness a sustainable routine that fits your busy lifestyle & your unique body, an easeful relationship with food & your body & a body you can’t wait to show off.

Finally reach
your best body with clarity and ease

to spend it obsessing about food and fixated on your insecurities.


You know the problem is deeper than “eat less & move more”, and that restricting carbs or avoiding breakfast probably isn’t the best idea because it leads to overeating at night. You want to end this viscous cycle once and for all.


You are tired of hearing about needing protein for breakfast or weight lifting when these pieces of advice don’t account for or help with your late night snack attacks, the fear of getting bulky, the lethargy after having struggled and overthought for years, you're ready to step into a sustainable strategy that puts your emotional eating habits to rest, for good.


You know it’s normal for the number on the scale to fluctuate and yet every time you gain 0.5 or 1 lbs, something is ticked off and your intrusive thoughts lead to compensating with restriction, fasting & overexercising to stay in control. You want to feel beautiful in your body without the spralling that always comes along with chasing your goals.


You can say and look like you feel good in your body, you're happy with your weight & relaxed around food, but internally still freak out when you gain a little stomach fat, cringe when you see pictures of yourself & feel shame for “still struggling with this” after so many years. You're ready to live fully in the moment, without judging yourself in the moments that follow.

'Cause life is too short

real results:

"I’m free to enjoy my life without judging myself or tearing myself down. For that, I’m eternally grateful to you!"

The method was absolutely perfect for me. Going into it I didn’t expect the focus to be so much on my relationship with myself and healing that in order to heal my relationship with food. It definitely did help me achieve my goal of healing my relationship with food, and I’m convinced it’s the only way to actually achieve goals.

- Liebelei, Banker

"I was afraid of being given a step-by-step plan, having to count calories or measure each ingredient in order to prepare your meal."

"Alexia taught me how to make balanced meals without cutting out pizza, pasta, hamburgers, or anything else. At the same time, we worked on my mindset. She asked questions that made me feel a bit uncomfortable so I had to really dig into the cause of the problem. All of this has helped me to reach my goal and to be able to live life freely and eat what I want without gaining weight and blaming myself. Now, I feel good about the way I look, I have gained confidence, and I dare to wear tight sports trousers, leggings, or tight dresses.”

- Laura

"Now, I feel light and have control over my eating habits in contrast to a few months ago, when food controlled me.”

"Thank you, Alexia! I felt so bad in my body and totally powerless against the diet dogmas that have been surrounding me since I was a child. I was able to learn to listen to my body more, what I need and when I need it."

- Caroline

"In the beginning, it sounded all too good to be true. Eating burgers, pasta, rice, cookies without gaining, but losing weight."

"I ended up losing 11lbs and feeling confident in my bikini for the first time ever!"

- Sarah, Researcher

"I feel so much lighter and positive about how I eat and exercise."

"I know that I have the strength that my body needs and that I have the power and knowledge to make healthy choices without restricting myself in any way!”

- Anna, Lawyer

"I have felt a huge shift in my mindset so now I feel much more confident about losing weight in a balanced weight so that I enjoy food and actually listen to my body more."

- Denise, Nurse


After acquiring all of the tools and knowledge I thought I need to finally make peace with my body (Neuroscience BSc, Nutrition MSc, Pilates & Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer & Health Coach), I was still struggling with food and my body image... and I thought I was "broken"!

Until the day, I made a decision that I would stop trying to control and force my body, diet & workout routine to fit to look a certain way. I needed to dive deeper. I needed to heal my relationship with food, and with myself and learn how to trust my body and myself so I could surrender.

I spent 2 years in college watching YouTube videos and documentaries & trying every single diet out there, just to feel even more lost & hating my body.

over the next 12 weeks, I can get you there, too.


Prioritize true health, reach your aesthetic goals & finally feel like you don’t have to choose between loving your body or loving your life.

let's break it down

We'll gain clarity and a well-rounded understanding of where you're at now – your past, your relationship with food, your body, your habits, your thoughts, your intentions, all your symptoms, your goals, your fears, your lifestyle & preferences so we can create a custom plan on how to move forward.

Here's how we'll do it

Step ONE



We'll take a deeper inventory of the relationship with yourself, your values and your long-term goals provide steps towards realignment so your beliefs, patterns & behaviors match your goals rather than where you're at.

Step three



We'll develop a workout routine that fits your needs, body type & goals, and fine-tune your nutrition for optimized fat loss, energy & behavior around food, keeping in mind the demands of your lifestyle; eating out, busy days, workouts etc., as well as including soul foods.

Step two



We'll monitor your progress weekly for you to reach your best body, re-evaluating goals and diving into body image work if necessary. You'll also strengthen the mindset tools & skills to use in every setting to BE the best version of you.

Step four

Adapt & Strengthen


P.S. There is no fixed blueprint in 1:1 coaching, every conversation, action step and recommended education piece is tailored to you.


How does this sound?


Feel proud and at peace when seeing your body in the mirror, look forward to wearing your sexy black dress & finally leave the damn lights on when getting intimate.


Fully enjoy your rest days – in the name of strategic laziness - guilt-free, knowing that the effort you put into your workouts actually makes an impact & respecting your body's natural desire for rest.


Trust yourself around sweet treats, French fries & spicy margs, all-or-nothing was replaced with real moderation (can you believe it?), and you don't need to compensate with a 5K run, fasting for 24hr or cutting out sugar. 


Finally live the life you want while being free, empowered & confident in your body, appreciating that you're providing your (future) children with a positive example of health, body image & nutrition.

THIS Is Only A Few Months Away


The VIP perks


Coaching Calls

Bi-weekly strategy & mindset calls via Zoom to dive into the deep stuff in real-time, checking in about progress, overcoming mindset blocks & re-aligning action plans for the following 2 weeks.


On The Go Support

Voice & messaging support to work through blocks, brain storm & strategise on-the-go, dive deeper into specifics, review food diaries (if desired), provide meal and product feedback, tweak workouts depending on energy, plan restaurants meals in advance etc.


Your Personal Program

Your personal Notion board where we'll keep all of our notes, plans & strategies. This is where we'll collaborate on your unique strategy. This is yours to keep forever after our coaching ends.

real results

Lisa enjoys shopping again.

“The weekend before last, I went shopping with my mum and compared to 3 months ago, I am down 2 full sizes. I simply tried on the clothes and everything fit perfectly, and I felt good in all of these clothes! That was phenomenal!” – Lisa, 36

real results

Liebelei is a new person.

"I don’t define myself by the shape of my body or the number on the scale anymore. I’m free to enjoy my life without judging myself or tearing myself down. For that, I’m eternally grateful to you! The method was absolutely perfect for me.  It helped me heal my relationship with food, and I’m convinced it’s the only way to actually achieve goals.” – Liebelei, 32

real results

Jil is empowered, beyond nutrition.

“Coaching with Alexia has helped me see clearly that I could achieve my goals and still eat my favourite foods. I also became more conscious about everything else that's not directly food-related. This goes way beyond nutrition. It was life-changing for me.” – Jil, 28

real results

Sarah got back into the driver's seat.

"In the beginning, it sounded all too good to be true. Eating burgers, pasta, rice, cookies without gaining, but losing weight. But that is exactly what happened because I stuck to the strategy and made myself accountable (instead of the surroundings). I feel empowered." – Sarah, 28

real results

Steph finally feels good in her body.

"After many failed attempts, consulting a doctor and a nutritionist, I never really managed to lose weight and feel good. With Alexia’s coaching, I learnt to listen to my body and clearly know how much food I need. I also learnt to love my body, and not feel ashamed, and finally lost weight and still eat a piece of chocolate here and there." – Stephanie, 40

real results

Marie found ease.

“I am so much more aware of how I feel after meals and what makes me feel good. I’ve cut back on alcohol and feel at ease not trying to force myself to do intense exercise. I’ve stopped fearing carbs so much and have learned to incorporate them without so much guilt or feeling like I’m being “bad”. And with all of that, I've lost 8 lbs and went down 2 sizes in my jeans!” – Marie, 29.

real results

Laura dares to wear dresses again.

“I was afraid of being given a step-by-step plan, having to count calories or measure each ingredient in order to prepare your meal. But that wasn't the case, Alexia helped me to reach my goal and to be able to live life freely and eat what I want without gaining weight and blaming myself. Now, I feel good about the way I look, I have gained confidence, and I dare to wear leggings again." – Laura C., 30

real results

Caroline is free from diet dogmas.

“Thank you, Alexia! I felt so bad in my body and totally powerless against the diet dogmas that have been surrounding me since I was a child. I was able to learn to listen to my body more, what I need and when I need it. Now, I feel light and have control over my eating habits in contrast to a few months ago, when food controlled me.” – Caroline, 34

this is for you if:

  • You’ve been dealing with disordered eating, bingeing or the weight loss struggle for too long, OR have dealt with HA & are ready to finally overcome the struggle and make peace with your body & food.

  • You are coachable, ready to change things up, willing to try a different approach and willing to ditch the “short-term” satisfaction of losing 2 lbs in the detriment of your relationship with food.

  • You are excited to exchange text or voice messages on the daily, enjoy back and forth communication, on-the-go feedback and action steps, and can’t wait to dive deep and move fast.

  • You value high level 1:1 support, desire a professional to walk this walk alongside of you & hold space for you to completely and radically transform.

this is not for you if:

  • You are (still) currently dealing with a diagnosed eating disorder.

  • You want “ease” without willing to be vulnerable & pushed outside of your comfort zone.

  • You are still scared to “annoy” me, avoid asking questions out of fear of looking stupid, unwilling to hear or answer deeper, a little more uncomfortable questions, or ghost me when it gets sticky.

  • You only want a single consultation and a handout, and don’t see the value in the time & energetic demand required for 1:1 coaching.

what they're saying


the details


  • 2 coaching calls per month (6 in total)


  • Unlimited messaging support
  • lifetime access to nourish + sculpt
  • Your personal Notion board
  • zoom recordings


Q1 of 2025 – sold out.
APPLY NOW TO SECURE YOUR SPOT TO START APRIL 1st (only 2 spots available).

3 months of VIP 1:1 coaching

it's time for you to

Let true health, alignment and ease be at the forefront of how you relate to your body, and physical changes be the by-products.


so you can embrace your best body, and maintain it effortlessly!