Save 20% OFF with code "SUMMERSCULPT"

discount expires july 31st.

You deserve to be proud of your body & hard work
without the stress of “figuring it out”.

4 weeks from now, you'll be confident in what works for YOU – not for Sarah but you, actually stick to it 'cause it feels freakin' good & already getting leaner by being lazier...  I know, we're riding the same wave now!



*sure* you could do it by yourself

But you've already spent way too much time (& money, let's be honest) program hopping without seeing the results that you truly want...

It's time to stop doubting what works for you, once and for all. I know you're not lacking drive & you're putting in the work, but you keep letting yourself down because you get impatient, put a lot on pressure on yourself and try too many things at once.
You want to be accomplished, feel confident & sexy in your clothes, and do less, but smarter so you have more energy!

let's be real.

Right now, you're stuck

Somewhere between falling back onto "the traditional fitness advice" of pR0greSsiVe OveRl0aD and weight lifting for fat loss never truly getting the results you want and resorting back to endless cardio because that's what the "slim ladies" do even though you don't have the time or energy for that.
With the vast amount of conflicting information out there, you're just lost about what actually works for YOU, your body type, your lifestyle & your specific aesthetic goals.

“I'm already seeing results with my new optimized workout routine: I'm feeling more energized, leaner (and even more sculpted) vs. bulky.”

- katie (by the end of 4 weeks)

the lean you

The lazy girl's guide to getting lean, aka. the 4-week program to help you create, optimize & love your body specific results-driven workout routine & mindset!

drumrolls please... introducing


“This is the workout program to end all workout programs because it is so much more!” (from a former student) Sculpt is a little more science-heavy for the exact purpose of creating clarity and ease in your routine in the long run!




trust yourself & the process

because you are 100% confident in what works for YOU & can stop doubting your routine or comparing yourself to others along the way!


optimize your metabolism

so that you become efficient at burning fat & staying lean even when you take a day or a week off to rest & chill!


boost your workouts

so that you get massive results in no time; you don't train to train, you train to get YOUR desired results.


be strategically lazy

because you created a lifestyle around exercise that helps optimize the workouts that you do (rest, recovery, hormones, etc.)

check out what's inside 

  • guided meditation + JOURNAL PROMPTS

Providing the step-by-step approach & the scientific reasons WHY your body needs a specific routine (& how to create it!), so you can stop doubting + switching from one program to the next, “what if it doesn’t work” isn’t a question anymore, you trust the process to keep going, and actually see results!

Outlining minute-by-minute tweaks, tips & hacks to maximize results within a short amount of time so it works ‘cause you do.

Providing you with trusted places to find quality workouts in one click out of the million-and-one streaming services out there.

Prompting you to connect, listen & start loving your body all while sculpting it.

the modules

body image & mindset pre-work

Set yourself for success & self-love. "Cause you can't change a body that you dislike. Change starts with love."

Goal Setting & Body Composition

You're going to set empowering & realistic goals for yourself. With my method, you won't fall behind, get demotivated or just give up. When you get clear on timelines of body composition changes, you'll always know when you're on track.

What you're MADE OF

You'll finally get crystal clear on your body type, what that means for fat loss, toning up & exercise so you can start optimising your workouts to YOU and your lifestyle (& not the other way around).


You'll learn the essentials of muscle fibres, energy systems and hormones so you can apply the principles in a simple & actionable way to your workouts for your unique body & lifestyle (determined in Module 3).

Resistance training

You'll learn what type, frequency, intensity & duration of resistance exercise works for your body & goals. Plus, you'll be able to apply these hacks to ANY workout you love (whether that's Barry's Bootcamp, F45 or your yoga class on youtube).

cardio training

You'll learn what type, frequency, intensity & duration of cardiovascular exercise works for your body & goals. No more endless hours on the treadmill to see absolutely no difference (except for time wasted & ravenous hunger afterwards...).

Energy balance & blueprint

Understand how you can maximise energy (aka. calories) burnt for fat loss in the least amount of time & effort possible. All about strategic laziness & putting everything together to create YOUR unique blueprint!

real results:

"I found SCULPT to be a breath of fresh air. I feel so much FREEDOM in my health journey and no longer fear the “wrong” choices."

"It really taught me moderation and leaning into the FLOW and balance of my health. I feel so much more in time with my body. Paying attention to my hunger cues and what movements my body enjoys! Instead of punishing my body with harsh movements that left me feeling awful."

- Elizabeth, nurse

"This is what you have been looking for, the manual for how to be your best physical self."

"You'll be asking yourself why you didn't find Alexia sooner. This program (and in combination with Nourish) has literally transformed my approach to food and exercise. I don't even think about the word diet and the concepts of restriction and overexercise seem so silly to me at this point.”

- Morgan M., Designer

"And yes, I've lost those 2 last kilos that I wanted! :)"

"I'm MUCH more easy on my sports routine now. I stopped blaming myself for missing a day or skipping something. Subscribing to your page on Instagram, enjoying your materials and finishing your program really changed my life this year."

- Polina R.

"Alexia helped me realize that exercise its complex but not complicated. It really all clicks in the end!"

"I feel calmer yet more energized. I feel relaxed and at ease over choosing workouts and having a plan. I trust that this is going to work because I understand what I am actually doing to my body with each workout and if I am not seeing the specific results I want, I feel more confident in being able to adjust my routine myself. I am more energized because I'm actually excited to get moving again!"

- Maddie McM.

"I was scared I’d gain weight or lose fitness by reducing the amount I exercise…"

"But I experienced an increase in energy, time to do other things which has actually also helped me with my relationship with food, appetite easier to control as I reduced load, reduction in stress I put on myself having to do x workouts in a week, increase in flexibility and mind freedom, physically less bloated due to less inflammation. I have been told I look slimmer!!

- Chloe T.

"It's so nice to see that my body seems to be slowly getting toned!"

"Through Sculpt I have experienced a real shift in mindset. It really helped me to get an overview of all the factors that contribute to the appearance of my own body and to approach my workout routine in a completely relaxed way. And of course, you can already see small wins in shaping the different parts of your body and you can do it with ease! I can therefore only recommend it to anyone who is looking for clarity and ease in their training."

- Bailey H.











keep trying the next best “program” or platform, hoping this will be the one that works for you

you’ve got a life to live *confidently* and stress-free NOW. You've got no time to waste!

do another progressive overload training hoping that all of this muscle & strength magically turns into a toned body

you ended up feeling bulkier & puffier than before, and you know it’s going to happen again.

hire a personal trainer who pushes you without teaching you 

these results (if, any) are dependent on those $100 sessions.

just stick to running to slim down & avoid resistance training altogether

you’ll have to keep running more ‘cause you’re burning fewer calories as your body gets more efficient.

I’ve been where you are.
And now I’ve taken my 7 years in the fitness industry and condensed it into 4 weeks of simple actionable steps & tools for you to reach YOUR body goals the smart way, using effective workouts – and without requiring anyone else’s help anymore.

with sculpt

you get it all


+ meditation + journal prompts

+ online platform recs + example program


+ your unique body-type specific workout routine via all the know-how in 7 modules


real results:

"I was always questioning my workouts, if I was doing the right thing, if it would get me results or not."

"I feel less stressed about aesthetics, I'm able to listen to my body to understand what I need (especially when I need to rest), I lost 10lbs and I am noticing I'm getting leaner and more toned.”

- Megan, movement coach

"I feel like this is the "workout program" to end all workout programs because it is so much more!" 

"Alexia did an amazing job of breaking down what is happening in your body is complex but when you take a step back its not that complicated. She has given me the freedom and knowledge to not mindlessly keep trying different workout programs in search of the perfect one but instead actually understand what my body needs and more importantly how to stay consistent with it."

- Maddie M.

"Since doing Sculpt in the fall, transitioning to intention > intensity with my workouts, I’m seeing changes I’ve always wanted in my body."

"I even have before / after pictures on my phone showing amazing improvements just from those 5 weeks! I could tear up at how much your coaching has improved my quality of life."

- Jess E.

this simply isn’t for you.

If you’re looking for a killer 6days/week workout plan you know you won’t be able to follow for the rest of your life,

But if you’re looking for…

An immersion into the world of exercise, wellness, and deep self-respect, this is for you.

You’ll need to put your glasses on to grasp a few key concepts, and then you can adjust your sweatbands to move according to your specific body. This program is for the go-getter in you who is ready to put in some time & effort NOW to finally find ultimate peace, ease & confidence in your body FOREVER.

This is where it all began for me. This is where it all changed and started again.

have we met?

I'm Alexia.

I'm a personal trainer, Yoga teacher & Pilates instructor. Working in the fitness industry for the last 7 years and at some of the world-leading companies (Equinox, Soho House & FORM), I've coached 100s of men & women create effective, fun & safe workout routine for THEIR bodies.

Here's the thing: It doesn't have to be this hard, and you don't have to punish or fight against your body, without really seeing the results YOU want. 

I have gone through the struggle of figuring out "what works for me" myself. I tried everything (from boxing to running, everyyything), but I never saw the results I wanted & it wasn’t sustainable... I burnt out or injured myself & started to lose motivation.

I used to hate my body. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I was frustrated. "This is what I walked around all day!?" I wished my body was different. I felt unlucky & unchosen. Now, I have come out the other way!

It took me YEARS, but my clients get massive results in only a few months when we co-create their unique optimized workout routines.

You'll immediately access the course content, where you'll learn about your body, body type, exercise & all other factors so you can create your unique routine. 


Good thing this isn't a workout platform. 4 guided workouts give you a taste, but Sculpt empowers you to choose any workout (online platforms, group fitness classes, gym sessions or at-home workouts, and even sports) and tweak it to your advantage. 

Since Sculpt is a group program, it is very difficult to address every physical limitation or injury. With the VIP option, we'll connect over 6 weeks to completely tailor every single workout and routine to YOUR specific body. Plus, you'll receive 2 personal training session including corrective exercises, modifications & progressions.

Sculpt requires you to put in 2 hours/week for 4 weeks to never ever doubt your workouts & physical results ever again. And you'll have lifetime access to all of the program materials, so there is no rush to get through it quickly.

I totally get it (I've been there)! And you know that you can't keep going like this... Imagine gaining your energy & time back, and being able to take guilt-free rest days because your metabolism & body are optimised for fat loss all the time. I'll show you how.


Send me a DM or an email (!

Save 20% OFF with code "SUMMERSCULPT"

discount expires july 31st.

Sculpt The Lean You


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ready to sculpt
the lean you

The lazy girl's guide to getting lean, aka. the 4-week program to help you create, optimize & love your body specific results-driven workout routine & mindset!