Finally reach your best body eating anything you want!

I'm ready!

yeah, I said anything! keep scrolling...

You’ve been obsessing about food most of your life, but still not burning fat… I see you!

  • You’re tired of trying the new best thing - just to realize all of the pieces of advice you’re getting are contradicting themselves and you’re back at square one.
  • You’re eating your greens, cutting down on sugar, carbs and fat and, yet, the scale isn’t budging…
  • You’re fed up with succumbing to your sweet cravings daily, which you know are the sole reason for you not to be toned and lean already! 
  • You’re constantly needing to be “good”, saying no to treats & feeling deprived, which is costing you your energy & happiness.
  • You crave a simple, manageable and quick step-by-step approach that actually works for you. And dream you had countless snack & meal ideas up your sleeve!



‘Cause if you’d only figure out what & how to eat, you’d be able to show up with the confidence you've always wanted!

  • You want to be like that one friend who orders the cheesy pizza without blinking twice & has never gained a pound in her life.
  • You want to show off your amazing personality by shining in your fashionable & fitted clothes, but you avoid the changing rooms at all costs to stay clear of unnecessary disappointment.
  • You’d kill for being able to say yes to a spontaneous pool day, rocking your swimsuit & sipping on a mojito, without having dieted for 2 months prior.
  • You just want to eat normally and maintain your best body at the same time, cause you know you can't keep eating less and less.
  • You dream of the day that food, your best weight & body are just natural to you, and you don't need to think about it at all anymore.
  • You want a daily routine that’s healthy, but doesn’t need to look like another online content creator’s - no need to be strict, restrict & punish your body after a night out.
  • You wish you'd finally figured out your body & how to work with it! No. More. Fighting.



Hey there, I'm Alexia! I'm a nutritionist, personal trainer & health and mindset coach. 

Only a few years ago, I was constantly fighting against my body & feeling exhausted, without seeing ANY results. I have tried every single diet out there, went vegan, tried intermittent fasting, I have cut down my calories drastically and overexercised - all without lasting success... 

Now, I have come out the other side! I can lose & maintain my weight easily, eat all foods & feel energized because of my unique nutrition strategy. 

You don’t need to lose weight to look a certain weight (you’re perfect the way you are, girl!) BUT I vouch for you & support you if you choose to look and feel your best. And you’re allowed to want to achieve your toned confident body without going on a detox, or missing out on life, and do it the healthy way!

I promise you*,
this is all possible!

- Alex L.

I was finally able to "indulge" without feeling unworthy or guilty or gross.

And this is how it’s done!
(Mic drop, please)


By applying scientific evidence to your nutrition while making it flexible, unique to you, simple & delicious so you actually stick to it! No pushing, no battling. Just nourishing your body and soul (hehe, chocolate is still a must!).

I am going to teach you all of what you need to know to optimise your metabolism for fat loss, minimise cravings & maximise satisfaction. All the hacks & tricks!

This is the step-by-step method I have mastered and have been teaching to countless women over the last 3 years so they create their own unique nutrition strategy. This is ALL you need to stop restricting AND get real lasting body results!


NOURISH the lean you, the program, will help you navigate the kitchen, eating out & travelling to burn fat without cutting out any foods in less than 4 weeks! 


Look, meal plans, diets & weight loss supplements only work until they don’t. What happens once you get bored of your plan? Are you going to be on a diet for the rest of your life? Will you ever just be “normal” again? 

Or do you just have to give up on your dream to feel amazing in your body!?

I'm here to tell you it doesn’t have to be one or the other! You can be normal, enjoy your meals & treats AND still reach your best body easily.

With your unique nutrition strategy, you can adapt your choices to every situation, and make it work for YOUR body, preferences & lifestyle. It’s like learning how to ride a bike, once you’ve learned it, you cannot unlearn it! This is yours forever.


don't take it just from me. Here's what they are saying!

i want this!

the vibe

Practical steps,
Actual strategy,
Deep understanding of why,
Hacks, tips & tricks,
Implementation program.

not the vibe

Another fad diet,
Counting calories or macros,
A prescriptive diet,
A quick fix.

  1. Goal Setting That Empowers You
    Learn the fundamentals of weight loss & timeline for getting results for your specific body! Harness a strong mindset and set realistic goals so you'll never doubt whether you're on track or off track ever again.
  2. Eating According To Your Specific Body
    No-one has the body, lifestyle and preferences that you have, and therefore your nutrition strategy needs to be unique to you - calories, macro & micronutrients. 
  3. The Impact of Food & How to Optimize Your Metabolism with Your Meals
    There's a method to the madness, and a few simple hacks to HOW you eat (timing, composition & quantity of meals) will optimize your metabolism for fat loss, and you'll ditch cravings and say goodbye to 3pm energy slumps.
  4. The "Right" Ingredients & Food Items
    Learn what foods are good for fat loss, and how you can make them a part of your regular diet without spending the big bucks, relying on supplements to ensure you're getting all nutrients or having to overthink every food choice.
  5. Optimized Meals in Every Setting
    Get the keys to creating meals that actually keep you full, fully satisfied & help you burn fat in the long run. You'll know exactly how to optimize meal composition, portion sizes & snacks at home and on the go! 
  6. Your Overall Diet, Strategizing Soul Foods & Balance
    Not every meal needs to be perfect. However, to lose weight, get toned & actually keep it off, balance requires some strategy too. You'll learn how to include soul foods into your diet, how to deal with appetizers, desserts & alcohol, and how to harness the power of chrononutrition.
  7. Your Unique Nutrition Strategy
    Create your unique nutrition strategy that fits into your lifestyle, your routine, your preferences, and most importantly your body & goals. No more doubting, overthinking, feeling overwhelmed by the misinformation online. 
uh.. need!

The detailed breakdown


"I loved how everything you said was body neutral and even though the results are looking better, the TRUE transformation is feeling better."

- Xanthe A.

immediate access + self-paced

give it to me

What's included:
  • 7 modules
  • Recipes, tips & cheatsheets with clear action steps every week
  • Lifetime access to the recorded content + resources

all in!

Self-paced + 1:1 support


What's included:
  • Everything that’s included in the program
  • + Nourish form + 3-day food diary review
  • + 2x 60min 1:1 coaching call to workshop your personalized nutrition strategy & catapult your success!
  • + 4 weeks of unlimited messaging support



"Sounds like just what I need!"

$450, payment plan available

$1450, payment plan available

Available upon request. Super limited spots. DM or email  me to request.
  • REAL LIFE is key! No picture-perfect meal plans that are so unrealistic it hurts. You won’t have to buy a $$$ juicer and start intermittent fasting to be Instagram-healthy. This is a program for real women with real lives & real desires. 
  • This is not about CHANGING everything you eat & cutting out all of your favorite foods. It is about tweaking your already loved meals to help you tone your body.
  • This isn't a knowledge course where you'll learn all the science of nutrition, it's a SKILL-BASED PROGRAM! By the end, you will be able to make healthy meals & order the right dishes to optimize your metabolism to get & stay toned!

I’m so adamant about NOURISH, I’ll die on this hill!

ready to NOURISH
the lean you

create your personalized nutrition strategy that optimizes your metabolism for fat loss, includes all of your fave foods, and is flexible, enjoyable & easy so you can stay on track for the long run.


You'll immediately access all of the course content. You'll learn about your body, nutrition, and the effect of food on your body & behaviour to create your unique strategy & easily apply the evidence-based hack to lose weight with ease.

I am not sure what to expect. Can you explain the process & what’s inside?


I truly believe that you can do it! And I also know that questions will come up & some added accountability can be super beneficial. If you know this is you, you can add on a breakthrough session.

What if I am struggling to apply the information to my life?

Since Nourish is a course, it is difficult to address every dietary restriction separately. However, you'll have all the tools, know-how & support to adapt true nutrition principles to your body no matter what you choose to eat or not eat. 

What if I have allergies or dietary restrictions?

Oh dear, I hear you!! 75% of women are scared to re-invest after so many failed diets or programs. The thing is THIS is not a diet, not a quick fix, not a plan to follow. This is deep understanding of how to make nutrition work for your unique body, completely science-backed. I didn't invent any of it, I just made it so practical and easy to apply that failure isn't an option.

What if this is just another "new thing" that won't work for me?

I totally get it (I've been there)! And you know that you can't keep restricting like this... Imagine gaining your brain power & time back, and being able to indulge free of guilt because your metabolism & body are optimised for fat loss all the time through your nutrition. I'll show you how.

I am scared to eat more, lose control & gain weight.
Still have questions & want to chat?


Send me a DM or an email (!

Ready to say Hell yes! to the ice cream & fat loss at the same time?  'Cause you can reach your body goals with a strong strategy that includes ice cream.