Le Membership is here

Your monthly guide to living your fullest life, in your leanest body.

Monthly workouts, education, Q&A & community to keep you motivated on your health & fat loss journey, while maintaining the results you love.

make it yours

Stay engaged, accountable, and inspired throughout your fat loss journey with a community of women who *get it* and a library of resources to reach & maintain your best body, with ease.

just what I need!

for just $55/month

monthly focus

Intentionally designed to bring you closer to your best body month by month.

ongoing support

Your questions answered every week, with actionable advice every time.


An inspiring community of women who get it. 

guided workouts

A library of guided workouts designed to create tone & strength, without gaining size.

You asked, I answered!

let's be real.

You're over...

  • Noticing your motivation slip but not knowing how to get into a consistent routine without pushing yourself harder than you can sustain or falling off the bandwagon completely.
  • Feeling lost and alone every time the number on the scale is going up even though you’re applying all of your tools.
  • Getting pulled in a million directions based on what you see online, doubting your food choices & workouts yet again… constantly switching it up and never truly allowing yourself to see any results.
  • Shifting between Pilates & walking only because you want to be lean and strength training (’cause you know it’s important), but immediately feeling puffier & bulkier again…
  • Wasting so much time & brain space stressing & overthinking your choices, making you feel like you’re the only one who’s struggling with food, exercise and body image.

Together, we'll make your routine feel easy & effective! and by effective, I mean "You can't wait to wear your Pilates set & be proud showing off your body!"

you know you want it

staying consistent doesn't have to MEAN...

Ticking off a checklist, following the same schedule every week, and repeating your go-to safe meals.

A lot of people think that looking your best requires you to be consistent, and indulging over the weekend or taking a few rest days immediately means loss of progress. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather say yes to spontaneous happy hours, a new workout class with a friend, and an entire week off my routine when traveling without any guilt. Reaching and maintaining your best body doesn't have to be boring, repetitive, or hard. It gets to be exciting, new, easy, and fully aligned with how you want to live life!

hell yeah!

le membership, you'll


Stay engaged, inspired & accountable to your fat loss journey


Get continuous support & your questions answered directly


Stay focused on what actually makes a difference & trust the process


follow guided workouts designed to create a lean toned body without gaining size


Connect with and learn from like minded women who get it

join the inner circle

What's Inside

Guided Workouts

A full library of guided strength & Pilates-based workouts, specifically designed to create muscle tone & strength without gaining size, to pull from any time and new workouts dropping monthly once I'm cleared to work out post-baby.

Exclusive Q&A Podcast

Every week, I'll answer one of YOUR questions in a Podcast format, providing you with the scientific understanding behind what you're dealing with, mindset reframes & motivation, and actionable guidance to re-direct your attention & strategies so that reaching your leanest body, while living your best life, becomes second nature!

Monthly Workshop

The monthly workshop will give you one intentional point of focus with all the know-how, tools & a way to track progress so that you can confidently navigate the seasons, knowing and trusting that you're always progressing, growing & getting closer to your body & life goals. 

Bonuses By Request

By being a part of the community, you get to ask for what you need, and I'll be creating resources based on what you guys are asking for! 

Access To

Giving you all the know-how, skills, tools & steps to kickstart your fat loss, maintain a flat bloat-free stomach, and effectively reduce and avoid bulkiness.

Private Community

A whole group of badass type A women, unafraid of the work it takes to reach their goals, to connect with and get support from. This is THE space for you if you'd like to feel understood, encouraged when you're down, celebrated when you're up, and completely safe to ask for any advice or comfort.

the foundation
be bloat free
bulky 2 lean
Nutrition Blindspots

your membership


+ A monthly workshop + focus

+ Access to the Exclusive Q&A Podcast

+ Private Community

+ library of guided workouts

own it

+ Access to signature courses

+ bonuses

TOTAL VALUE of immediate access content: $977

*3-month commitment is required

only $55/month*!!

Take A Look Around

What you'll find on the exclusive pod:

The As to your Qs

Step-by-step blueprints for any Obstacle holding you back

Great Conversations & Consistent Attention Re-Focusing  You Won't Hear Anywhere else

And that's only one 6th of the value that you're getting in here... 👀

I'm In!

"My results are amazing. I actually really enjoy working out and if I skip...I skip! I can move things around and that is such a freeing feeling."

- Ilana a.

THIS >>>>

i want that!

about your host

Hey, I’m Alexia, Your Health Coach.

I'm here to change the way you're thinking about nutrition & exercise.

Before I knew what I know about nutrition, behavior change,  fat loss, and exercise today, I was desperate to find a solution online. However, finding THE solution online is impossible. All pieces of advice were contradicting each other, everyone seemed convinced that their method is THE method, and no-one really understood MY struggle.
And even once I had the understanding thanks to my Nutrition MSc, Neuroscience BSc, Personal Training Diploma, and other certifications, the amount of information was still overwhelming.

Over the years, I've been able to simplify & streamline strategies, and be consistent with the basics that actually create the impact I was looking for. Now I can't wait to help you do the same!

listen to the 🎙️ episode where I share what inspired the creation of le membership



There is no live access in this offer, but you can submit questions anytime which will be answered in our weekly exclusive Podcast.

Yes, by joining the membership, you're committing to staying consistent with your mindset, routines & strategies by immersing yourself in an inspiring & educative environment. You're also committing to a monthly payment of only $55. 

Negative. Given the nature of the offer – online product & instant access to content valued over $900, no refunds will be granted. Choose this membership deliberately, choose your life deliberately.

You immediately get access to the membership platform, hosting the guided workout library, all existing exclusive Podcast episodes, signature courses, the monthly workshop, as well as the community.

Send me a DM or an email (alexiadegremonthealth@gmail.com)!

Women of all ages, countries, careers & backgrounds, but somehow I've always attracted the most soul-aligned, kind, ambitious, supportive, inspiring, and empathic women. If you enjoy my content & style of communication, I can guarantee you you'll feel right at home within this community. 

ready af, let's do it!

I'm in!

Ready to do the damn thing and reach your best body – the easy & effortless way?

You are? Ok, cool, just click the button below and we can't wait to welcome you inside Le Membership.